Simon Noel


What makes an effective digital NMAHP team?

In the first of a four-part series, Simon Noel reveals why digital teams should be clinically "agnostic" and explains the
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Digital Health Unplugged: The role of effective teams in deploying digital platforms in the NHS

Our new Networks series begins with Dr Lia Ali, Simon Noel and Nick Black looking at the role of effective
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AI and data: Let’s get the basics right for patients and staff

As AI systems become ā€˜pervasiveā€™, the risks and opportunities increase. Digital leaders must put people first at all stages of
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Rewired 2024: Nurses need ā€˜an avenue of support and development for digital innovationā€™

Next yearā€™s Rewired will showcase outstanding practice in digital nursing and midwifery. Great ideas are plentiful but many fail to
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Digital Health Unplugged: AI in nursing and midwifery

Ahead of speaking at AI and Data, Dione Rogers, Simon Noel and Julia Gudgeon join Jordan Sollof on Unplugged to
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AI and Data speakers delve into impact of AI on nursing and midwifery

Ahead of speaking at Digital Health AI and Data, Dione Rogers, Simon Noel and Julia Gudgeon discuss the impact of
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Simon Noel: The Accidental CNIO

Making the move from a clinical role into a digital leadership position can be daunting. Simon Noel explains how he
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