

‘No smartcard’ Spine apps on way: HSCIC

NHS staff will soon be able to get mobile access to the NHS Spine without the use of a smartcard.
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Spine2 cuts response times

The Health and Social Care Information Centre has marked the first anniversary of Spine 2 by releasing figures showing that
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Joeā€™s view: of identity

Joe McDonald is forever coming across new ways to prove his identity and thinks it is about time that the
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Spine outage leaves users without access

A major outage on NHS Spine has caused problems across the NHS and affected users are unable to access any
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Spine2 is alive

The replacement for the NHS data spine, Spine2, went live over the bank holiday weekend.
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Spine2 built on Riak database

The replacement for the NHS data Spine is being built around a distributed, open source database called Riak from US
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Spine2 live in summer 2014

Formal supplier testing of Spine2 will begin within a few months and it will go-live in summer 2014.
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EHI interview: Alex Abbott

EHI news editor Rebecca Todd speaks to NHS Englandā€™s chief technology officer Alex Abbott about changing the way the NHS
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Spine2 built in-house on open source

The replacement for the NHS data spine, Spine2, is being built using open source components and is due to go
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