The Health Foundation


No strategy for AI being adopted in the NHS, says Health Foundation

The Health Foundation has scrutinised political manifestos from the main parties and found a concerning lack of strategy for the
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What NHS tech and AI really need from the new government

The major parties see a big role for tech in easing pressure on the NHS and improving healthcare. Whatā€™s missing
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General election 2024: Health leaders share their views on digital priorities

Following the government announcement of a general election, we asked health tech leaders and think tanks what the priorities should
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Digital Health Coffee Time Briefing ā˜•Ā 

Today's briefing includes NICE recommending breast cancer tools be more available and SleepCogni and Sheffield Childrenā€™s tackling insomnia in children.
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The Health Foundation: technologies clinicians say can save the NHS time

Research from The Health Foundation has explored the technologies saving clinicians time right now, and those that have potential for
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