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Hosted by Jordan Sollof

Jordan Sollof

Digital Health Unplugged covers all things health technology and NHS IT. Hosted by Digital Health's news reporter Jordan Sollof, the podcast delves into key issues and news stories in the sector. It also shines a light on the great work taking place from members of the Digital Health CIO, CCIO and CNIO Networks.

Digital Health Unplugged: Christmas Quiz of the Year

The latest, and last, Digital Health Unplugged of the year is now live – and to celebrate Christmas we decided to put our Digital Health Advisory Panels to the test.

That’s right, the chairs and vice chairs of our CCIO, CIO and CNIO Advisory Panels put their knowledge of all things digital health and NHS IT in 2020 to the test in our Christmas Quiz of the Year.

Representing our CCIO team, or The Noel-it Alls as they were known in the quiz, were chair James Reed and vice chair Fiona McDonald.

Our CIO team were Too Cool for Yule, with chair Adrian Byrne and vice chair Mandy Griffin. And in the CNIO’s corner we had the Sleigh Belles chair Jo Dickson and, kindly stepping in from her roles on the CNIO team at NHSX, Sara Nelson.

All three teams studied hard (probably) to compete for the crown in the first ever Digital Health Unplugged Christmas Quiz of the Year. There were Christmas buzzers, novelty festive glasses, Christmas jumpers, and a whole lot of laughs.

So make sure you tune in to test your own knowledge – go on, you know you want to see if you’re smarter than our Advisory Panel leaders!

“Who won?” we hear you ask. Well, we can’t give that away here can we.

Digital Health Unplugged is taking a little Christmas break (we have many mince pies to eat) but we will be back with a bang on 12 January with predictions for the NHS IT landscape in 2021.

Have a very Merry Christmas and we hope you’ll tune back in in the New Year. In the mean time, if you need something to listen too, why not take a look at our previous podcasts?

Digital Health Unplugged published fortnightly on Spotify, iTunes and Apple Podcasts. Follow us to stay up-to-date with the latest news.

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