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Hosted by Jordan Sollof

Jordan Sollof

Digital Health Unplugged covers all things health technology and NHS IT. Hosted by Digital Health's news reporter Jordan Sollof, the podcast delves into key issues and news stories in the sector. It also shines a light on the great work taking place from members of the Digital Health CIO, CCIO and CNIO Networks.

Digital Health Unplugged: A chat with Edward St John

Joining Jordan Sollof on the latest episode of Digital Health Unplugged is Edward St John, consultant breast surgeon and co-founder and chief medical officer of Concentric Health.

St John discusses the origins of Concentric Health, how his path led to starting-up the company with Dr Dafydd Loughran and their early achievements in the first few years of their journey.

He also explains the positive impact of Rewired Pitchfest, after Concentric Health took part in the 2021 competition and reached the final stage and highlights how the experience for the company has opened new doors and opportunities.

Lastly, St John talks post-Pitchfest, including receiving various investments, looks ahead to what Concentric Health want to achieve in the future and encourages start-ups to apply for Pitchfest next year.

Digital Health Unplugged is published on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and many of your other favourite podcast platforms. Follow us to stay up-to-date with the latest news.

You can also download the podcast from or through the Podbean app.

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Daffyd Loughran Rewired Image

You can catch Dr Dafydd Loughran over on the Innovation Stage at Digital Health Rewired.

Taking place on March 15-16 at the Business Design Centre in London, Digital Health Rewired 2022 is a conference and exhibition which brings together all parts of the digital health community to celebrate the best of digital, data and innovation in health and care.

Health and care professionals will be able to network, collaborate and learn in person during two days of educational conference sessions, exhibitions and meetings, all focused on sharing best practice and innovation.

All the conference sessions will be CPD accredited.

Also taking place will be the Pitchfest competition, which returns for its fourth year. The competition will see another 16 digital health start-ups battle it out to the live final to win an NHS test bed site for their idea or solution.

You can register here to secure your place at Rewired 2022.

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