
New logo identifies safe online pharmacy

One in four GPs have treated patients for adverse reactions to medicines bought online, according to a survey. The poll
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Tories would ā€˜end monopolyā€™ of NHS Choices

The Conservative Party would remove NHS Choices from Department of Health control and force it to compete on the same
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Vascular pods from Telehealth Solutions

Telehealth Solutions has developed a series of ‘pods’ or touch-screen devices that it says can be used to support the national vascular
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CfH aims for 4 million HealthSpace users by 2014

NHS Connecting for Health says it is hoping to sign up 4m patients to its online personal health record HealthSpace by
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Call to scrap ‘illegal’ NHS patient database

A quarter of all government databases, including NHS Detailed Care Records Service and NHS CRS Secondary Uses Service, are illegal
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IT vital to pharmacy progress

Use of the NHS Care Records Service by community pharmacists will be an essential part of the reform agenda for
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Teenage clicks

At last yearā€™s BT e-Health Insider awards, NHS Choices won the best use of ICT in patient and citizen involvement
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Scotland invests in telehealthcare

Scotland has launched its biggest telehealthcare project alongside 16 other e-health initiatives that will be backed by £1.6m of investment.
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HL7 UK on the road

HL7 UK is to hold a series of one day roadshows, featuring interoperability case studies and tutorials. The Case Studies
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IT given role in greener NHS

The NHS must make much greater use of telemedicine and web conferencing if it is meet new targets to slash
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