Audit Commission


Auditors urge CCGs to improve PbR data

Clinical commissioning groups should improve the quality of data used for payments to NHS hospitals by making regular audits and
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Audit Commission wants new datasets

The Audit Commission has criticised existing NHS datasets for failing to reflect what is happening to patients.
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Audit Commission finds 95,000 ghosts

More than 95,000 ā€œghost patientsā€ have been removed from GP lists with the help of a new web application.
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Data blamed for non-progress in costing

Commissioners have made little or no progress in calculating the cost of care pathways over the past decade, accountancy experts
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QoF regime ‘needs robust audit’

Significant variations in the way the Quality and Outcomes Framework is managed mean patients and taxpayers may be losing out,
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Auditors want action on poor records

The Audit Commission has called for “co-ordinated effort” by Royal Colleges, NHS organisations and regulators to improve record keeping in
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Councils urged to take up telecare

Local authorities are ill-prepared to cope with the demands of an ageing population and must look to telecare as one
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Trusts ‘treat IG return as box-ticking’

Too many trusts are using the Information Governance Toolkit return as a tick-box exercise rather than as a means to ensure
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Quick wins

Over the moon, gobsmacked, delighted - just some of the reactions from the winners of the E-Health Insider Awards 2009
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Reported drug errors increase, says NPSA

The incidence of reported drug errors leading to avoidable deaths and patient harm is on the increase, according to a
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