

Ipswich trials Autonomy decision support

Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust is to be the first in the UK to trial Autonomyā€™s Auminence software; which is described
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Kainos launches EDMS from Ipswich trial

Consulting company Kainos and infrastructure software provider Autonomy have launched an electronic document management system following a successful implementation at
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Expert view: Dr Alex Horne

The medical director of North East London NHS Foundation Trust explains why it has invested in business intelligence from Ardentia.
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Ipswich chooses Kainos for casenotes

Kainos has signed a £1m contract with Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust to convert its paper casenotes into electronic format using
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Blackpool uses ASCC for EPR procurement

Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has begun a procurement process for elements of an electronic patient record
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Doctors repeat call for inquiry into CFH

Doctors’ representatives have called for an independent inquiry into Connecting for Health and demanded that trusts be allowed to seek
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Suppliers set out vision for ASCC

EHI spoke to a number of ASCC lot 2 suppliers to see what they hope to achieve from the new
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Wanted: someone to lead on NHS IT

It might be one of the biggest civil IT projects on the planet, but the Department of Health appears to
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EHI’s industry news roundup 02.11.07

E-Health Insider’s industry news round up for the week ending 2 November, featuring supplier news, implementations, product launches, awards and
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MPs prescribe ‘rescue’ plan for NHS IT project

The government has been urged to rethink its £12.4bn NHS IT project, and replace its current highly centralised national strategy
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