

Times are hard, but trusts can still make positive IT choices

Chief information officers can make future-proof investment decisions to support their clinical colleagues, drive efficiency and improve outcomes, even when
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Movers and shakers news roundup

This edition of Movers and Shakers features new leadership roles within troubled trusts, including Norfolk and Suffolk and Bradford Teaching
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Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt inks 10-year EPR deal with System C

The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has formed a partnership with System C for a
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Poole Hospital launches virtual fracture clinic to improve patient experience

The clinic also aims to reduce waiting times by ensuring only those who need an appointment are given one in
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Re-thinking theatres ā€“ how Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is transforming operating theatre processes

The journey towards better connected, paperless hospitals is entering a new phase. After years of rhetoric, the true value of
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Going virtual ā€“ how Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust revolutionised their fracture clinic

NHS Fracture Clinics in the U.K. are notoriously busy. At Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust, it is no different. The
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Healthcare IT industry news in brief

This week's industry round-up focuses on companies, and includes news of rebrands, a new chief executive for Caradigm, and projects
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System C works with Bluespier

System C has formed an alliance with Bluespier to launch a ā€œtightly integratedā€ theatre management solution for users of its
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Acute trusts go-live with Bluespier EDS

Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust and Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust have gone live with a new electronic discharge system
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