

NHS broadband plans thrown into confusion

The roll-out plans for new NHS broadband network (N3) look to be in some disarray after the future of the
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BT to compensate NPfIT for missed N3 targets

BT has been asked to pay the NHS damages for missing two targets in the delivery of its N3 broadband
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Videoconferencing lets clinic supervise babies at home

A paediatric cardiology clinic in Belfast has claimed to be the first in the world to pilot ISDN videoconferencing to enable sick children to stay
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Parliamentary briefing paper sets out challenges for NPfIT

A new parliamentary briefing paper on the National Programme for IT has highlighted stakeholder involvement, communications, "imposing change on a
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BT awarded NHS broadband contract

BT has won the N3 (New National Network) contract to provide and manage a broadband network to link all NHS organisations
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Blair Pledges NHS Broadband Access

Tony Blair has pledged £6bn of public money to deliver high-speed internet access to every school and doctor’s surgery by
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Official Launch for NHS Broadband in Wales

The NHS took a step towards greater broadband access last week when Wales health minister, Jane Hutt, officially launched the
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