

Scottish Government ā€˜Cloud Firstā€™ strategy delayed following budget review

The Scottish Government has confirmed that its ā€˜Cloud Firstā€™ digital health strategy has been delayed following a recent budget review
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Spring Budget includes Ā£3.4billion extra investment in NHS digitisation

The Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has announced Ā£3.4 billion of new investment in NHS digitisation in the Spring Budget.
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Potential of new tech will be harnessed as part of Ā£1.8bn NHS cash boost

Downing Street announced the funding for more beds, equipment and additional wards yesterday, but itā€™s not clear how much will
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Budget: Ā£325m extra for STPs – Hammond

The most advanced sustainability and transformation plans (STPs) will received an additional Ā£325 million, chancellor Philip Hammond said during his
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Stevens, Rice hail IT focus in 5YFV

The ā€œinexorable riseā€ of IT and data in UK healthcare must be accompanied by increased digital literacy and improved incentives
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Osborne ‘protects’ NHS from austerity

Chancellor George Osborne has once again promised to protect the NHS from the worse of his austerity measures; while acknowledging
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NAO warns more trusts will fail

The National Audit Office has warned that more transparent and consistent plans for dealing with NHS trusts in trouble will
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Datalink to support UK life sciences

The government has launched a ā€œworld-class e-health secure research serviceā€ that will provide life science researchers with greater access to
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Lean years to follow lean years in NHS

The NHS has been warned that it faces another lean period when it gets to the end of the present
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Cuts hit IT investment, EHI survey shows

NHS trusts are looking to ā€œsweatā€ their current IT systems instead of invest ā€œin new toysā€ as they struggle with
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