Care home


Light tech project launched across 10 care homes for dementia patients

A project using interactive light technology from Social-Ability to provide activities and games for care home residents living with dementia
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Cera to save the NHS Ā£100m by delivering five million home care visits

Cera has committed to delivering five million care visits this winter, which is predicted to save the NHS Ā£100m and
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Remote monitoring in care homes reduces hospital admissions finds study

A new independent study has confirmed that the remote monitoring of care home residents can help reduce the need for
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Scarborough care home and BT trial smart tech to boost care support

BT is working with a Scarborough care home to fit smart sensors to residents' homes to collect data which can
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Halifax care home keeps Covid-free thanks to nurse call technology

A nursing home in Halifax has credited its innovative nurse call technology for keeping it Covid-free since the virus first
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East London NHS FT rolls out digital patient monitoring system

East London NHS Foundation Trust has rolled out Docoboā€™s patient monitoring system to enhance patient care and reduce demand on
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