Child Health Record


Child health records set to be digitised earlier than planned

Working with NHSX the government is bringing forward work to digitise the records, which contain babiesā€™ information about their growth
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Single child health info system introduced across Liverpool and Sefton

A single child health info system has been rolled out across in Liverpool and Sefton, bringing together the health records
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Surrey switches on child health system for 440,000 children

Community health provider CSH Surrey has gone live with the CarePlus child health system from System C, creating a single,
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Wider roll-out of eRedbook to form part of neonatal redesign plans

Digitising the paperĀ red book is part of a number of measures announced by the Department of Health and Social Care's
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New integrated child health system goes live in Wales

The Children and Young Persons Integrated System ensures every child in Wales has an active care record, meaning clinicians have
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System C to deliver unified child health record in South West England

The shared system will combine 708,000 child health records from acute hospitals, CCGs, local authorities and GP practices in the
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Integrating Londonā€™s child health records

It took the System C & Graphnet Care Alliance just four months to deliver a comprehensive electronic record of every
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Unified system to improve children’s health goes live in South Central

More than 906,000 childrenā€™s public health records from the South Central region of England have been consolidated onto one single
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ā€˜Why we need set standardsā€™, explains PRSB chair Maureen Baker

Professional Records Standard Body newly appointed chief exec explains the importance of setting care record standards across the healthcare system.
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Digital halves basic administrative work for Londonā€™s child health records

Time spent on basic administration of child health records in London has halved following the introduction of a new digital
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