

Whatā€™s going on, Darling?

NPfIT was going to be scrapped. Then it wasnā€™t. Sarah Bruce reports on Pre-Budget Report chaos.
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NHS IT programme faces cuts

Parts of the multibillion-pound national NHS IT progamme could be cancelled in this weekā€™s Pre-Budget Report, the Chancellor has warned.
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Kelsey – info should be compulsory

GPs and all other NHS providers should be mandated to publish routine, standardised data on their outcomes, according to the
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No easy wins

Fiona Barr finds out how smaller healthcare IT suppliers are faring
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Tories promise records for all

Patient-held records are one of the Conservative Party’s priorities for health, according to plans published today. The party said it would
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Lansley outlines Tory NHS plans

Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has pledged to cut the cost of NHS bureaucracy by a third at the Conservative
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Survey gives boost to HealthSpace

E-Health Insider and survey shows strong backing for HealthSpace and none at all for commercial alternatives.
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Readers back reformed NPfIT

The National Programme should not be scrapped although it should be reformed, a major survey by E-Health Insider and
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EHI and take pulse of NHS IT

NHS IT and alternatives to some or all of the National Programme for IT in the NHS have broken into
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Time to change the record?

E-Health Insider's Sarah Bruce gauges reaction to the Conservatives' response to the independent review of NHS IT.
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