Credit crunch


Four in ten readers expect cuts

Four out of ten NHS IT staff are expecting their budgets to decrease next year, and a further 36% expect
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EHI interview: Gwyn Thomas

Sarah Bruce talks to Dr Gwyn Thomas, chief executive of Informing Healthcare.
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Money, money, money

The theme of this yearā€™s NHS Confederation conference was money; or rather the coming lack of it. Lyn Whitfield reports.
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Business Intelligence

Daloni Carlisle looks at the tools on offer and the use that trusts are making of them.
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Here is the news: for 2009

The NHS will not be immune from the impact of the credit crunch and this will force policy makers and
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This is the year to come

Sandra Hempel asks leading figures in healthcare IT to look ahead to 2009.
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That was the year that was…

Say goodbye to 2008 with E-Health Insiderā€™s news review.
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