Dame Fiona Caldicott


All health and social care bodies to appoint Caldicott Guardians by 2023

The new National Data Guardian rules impact all health and social care public bodies that ā€œhandle confidential information about patients
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Colleagues pay tribute to ‘wise’ and ‘passionate’ Dame Fiona Caldicott

NHS Digital chief executive Sarah Wilkinson described Dame Fiona as a "phenomenal" woman who "inspired so many" as a senior
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Tributes paid to National Data Guardian Dame Fiona Caldicott

Tributes have been paid to Dame Fiona Caldicott, the first National Data Guardian (NDG) for Health and Social Care, who
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All health and social care bodies required to appoint Caldicott Guardians

All health and adult social care bodies are expected to have a Caldicott Guardian in place following a consultation by
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Government seeks new national data guardian to oversee NHS

The data guardian is expected to act as an independent champion for patients and the public, ensuring peopleā€™s information is
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Regulatory sandbox for AI needed to test and build systems, NHSX says

The heads of 12 healthcare regulators and organisations met on January 28 to discuss the role of AI in healthcare
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National Data Guardian wants more discussion on NHS commercial relationships

The National Data Guardian for Health and Social Care commissioned a poll which looked into public attitudes to NHS organisations
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Fiona Caldicott appointed first statutory National Data Guardian for health

Dame Caldicott was appointed national data guardian for health in 2014 to ensure the public can trust their health data
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Campaigners fear care.data plans still live

Parts of the controversial care.data programme could live on but with fewer options for patients to opt-out, MedConfidential has warned.
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Senior task force working on IG

A high-level task force at NHS England is working on solutions to information governance issues that are stopping commissioners from
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