data lake


The purpose of LHCREs has always been clear ā€“Ā if you were paying attention

For Ewan Davis, the recent reported annoyance over the purpose of local health and care record exemplars (LHCREs) is misplaced
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Another view: are local data repositories set to become data dumps?

Digital Health's GP columnist Dr Neil Paul is worried about the proliferation of local shared record schemes, creating multiple data
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Hester hits back over TPP patient data security concerns

TPP founder Frank Hester has waded defiantly into the growing controversy about how his company shares patients GP records across
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Great North Care Record signs up nearly all North East GP practices

The Great North Care Record has signed up 96% of north east GP practices to turn on their information governance,
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Move to implement patient ā€˜data lakeā€™ scheme

After meeting with NHS data experts and tech companies, NHS England chief information officer Will Smart wants to push on
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