

Consultation on database of consultants launched after Paterson inquiry

The consultation sets out a series of changes to how data is recorded and managed across private and NHS care,
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Calls for single database of consultants reignited after Ian Paterson inquiry

The Ian Paterson inquiry accused the NHS and private healthcare sector of ā€œwilful blindnessā€ and concluded more responsibility for safety
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IHPN seeks software developers for private doctor database

The Consultant Information Sharing System will allow healthcare providers to share information about private doctors in the interest of patient
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Child health digital strategy promised

NHS England wants to create a single view of a childā€™s health record, available online to healthcare professionals and accessible
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Child protection database going live

The first wave of the Child Protection Information Sharing project is due to go live next month.
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NHS England has announced a delay to the start of extractions to allow more time to build public confidence
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Christmas IT crash at London Ambulance

Staff at London Ambulance Service NHS Trust recorded emergency calls on paper on Christmas Day when its call management system
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Spine2 built on Riak database

The replacement for the NHS data Spine is being built around a distributed, open source database called Riak from US
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Child protection database live in 2015

Children identified as vulnerable by social services will be flagged to NHS staff if they attend an A&E, starting in
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NHS orgs invest in reference database

Eight NHS trusts and commissioning support units have invested in a weekly updated reference database of healthcare organisations.
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