Davey Winder


The Log4j security iceberg has far from melted away

A few months after reports about a flaw in open-source Java logging library, Davey Winder looks into whether NHS organisations
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Is the NHS investment in data security paying dividends?

In a column for Digital Health, Davey Winder, explores whether data security in healthcare is doing its job correctly.
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Getting cyber security math right is key to preventing ransomware attacks

In his June column for Digital Health, Davey Winder gives his thoughts on the on-going incident happening in the Republic
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Pandemic predators are upping the cyberattack ante across healthcare

In his next column for Digital Health, Davey Winder explores what lengths cybercriminals are going to during the Covid-19 pandemic.Ā 
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Beware the ever-evolving ransomware cybercrime tsunami

In his first column in 2021, Davey Winder explores the evolution of ransomware and why cyber criminals are looking towards
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The basics of healthcare security hygiene have never been more important

In his final 2020 column, Davey Winder explores the reliabilityĀ of emails and why good security hygiene has never been more
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Are old operating systems putting the NHS at risk in 2020?

As reports suggests Microsoft source code relating to Windows XP has been shared online, Davey Winder discusses old operating systems
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Healthcare insecurity gets personal when you look beyond the big picture

In his latest column, Davey Winder explores why healthcare insecurity is about more than just protecting data, it's about protecting
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Why trust is key to the user adoption of the NHS contact-tracing app

Our cyber-security expert,Ā Davey Winder, delves into the NHS contact-tracing app, looking into why trust is key and the issue of
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Healthcare needs a new year resolution to improve cyber-awareness

Even though it the start of February, our cyber security columnist, Davey Winder, is thinking about resolutions and whether 2020
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