David Cameron


David Cameron ‘lobbied Matthew Gould for access to NHS staff data’

Cameron lobbied Gould on behalf of Greensill Capital, which developed an advance payment app for doctors and nurses in the
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GPs embracing phone but not Skype consultations

GPs remain resistant to politicians' calls to adopt Skype consulting, with many citing poor technology and a lack of patient
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Demand for GP e-consultations ‘low’

Seven day working and e-consultations may be popular with politicians but they have not gone down well with patients, an
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Nursing Tech Fund 2 open

Organisations that want to bid for money from the second round of the Nursing Technology Fund have until 2 December
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PM announces Ā£300m for genome project

Prime Minister David Cameron has announced a Ā£300m investment into the project to sequence 100,000 genomes by 2017.
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Challenge Fund pilots announced

NHS England has unveiled details of the 20 GP projects that will benefit from the Ā£50m Challenge Fund to improve
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220 applications to Nursing Tech Fund

NHS England has received more than 220 applications from 140 trusts for the first round of the Nursing Technology Fund.
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GP Challenge Fund opens for bids

A Ā£50m Challenge Fund for GPs to extend patient access through services such as extended opening hours and greater use
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Nurse tech fund open soon

Bidding will begin "shortly" for the Ā£100m Nursing Technology Fund.
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Cameron announces Ā£100m nurse tech fund

Prime Minister David Cameron announced he will give Ā£100m in funding for nurses and midwives to spend on new mobile
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