Digital Roadmaps


Bryant says NHS Digital must become more responsive

Beverley Bryant, director of digital transformation at NHS Digital, says the organisation needs to undergo a cultural revolution, move away
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Health IT rethink needed amid “colossal” financial challenge

Sir David Dalton has called for a radical shake-up in the way that NHS IT is bought and deployed in
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NHS IT like a “1950s bank” – Swindells

NHS England’s new commissioning and IT boss has likened the public health system’s technology to a 1950s bank, and says
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Digital roadmaps hunt for scalable tech

Digital roadmaps will be used to scout out promising technologies and upscale them for the rest country, NHS England’s head
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Enter the CCG: on flying pig documents

Dr John Lockley’s clinical commissioning group has been drawing up its local digital roadmap. It’s chances of delivery? Zero, he
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Another new IT role at NHS England

NHS England has created yet another technology focused management role, with a purview over digital roadmaps.
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Simon Stevens promises med tech tariff in grim speech

NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens has indicated that the commissioning board will introduce a ‘med tech’ tariff to support
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E-prescribing use remains extremely low in the NHS

Levels of electronic prescribing in NHS hospitals remain stubbornly low, with less than a fifth of hospitals making widespread use
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NIB: Newton to take over from Kelsey

Public Health England’s John Newton is to replace Tim Kelsey as chair of the National Information Board on an interim
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89 footprints on NHS digital plan

NHS England has received 89 ‘footprints’ from local healthcare economies working to develop roadmaps for the future of their digital
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