

Three things we must do now to prevent patient harm from digital tech

In the wake of reports linking IT flaws to deaths of patients, and the recent cyber attack on pathology in
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Community Diagnostic Centres deliver over seven million vital checks

Community Diagnostic Centres (CDCs) have delivered more than seven million tests, checks and scans on NHS patients across the country.
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Rewired 2024: Funding pledge provokes opportunities and challenges

NHS IT investment is a vote of confidence in digital leaders but brings complex questions about digitisation and its impact,
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The government must back its vision for digital with funding

Tech companies who have invested heavily in the healthcare market could do much more to help their NHS partners. But
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How unlocking the data secrets of our health past, could shape the NHSā€™ future

Ted Reynolds, Head of Healthcare for Restore Digital, explores the role data derived from archived patient records could play in
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Labour would modernise health service, overhaul NHS App ā€“ StreetingĀ 

LabourĀ will streamline the process for innovators in the health service and overhaul the NHS App if it is elected to
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DHSC next steps to support social care cuts workforce investment in half

The DHSC has published an announcement on adult social care that allocates Ā£100m for digitisation in the sector but cuts
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Government progress on digitising the NHS ā€˜inadequateā€™ says Commons Expert Panel

The Government is making inadequate progress on vital commitments to digitise the NHS, an independent expert panel has found, with
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NHS workforce: Standards for a digital staff passport will help the NHS simplify and improve recruitment

In the first of a new series from the Professional Record Standards Body, Professor Bernard Crump explains why digitisation is
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