E-Health Insider Live 09


Rotherham: NPfIT has put us back 10 yrs

The chief executive of The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust has said the National Programme for IT in the NHS has
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NHS Direct aims to become ‘web first’

NHS Direct aims to shift a ‘substantial amount’ of its work from the telephone to the web next year, its
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SCR may have London roll out

The head of the London Programme for IT has admitted that the ‘one size fits all’ approach to deploying Cerner
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Kelsey – info should be compulsory

GPs and all other NHS providers should be mandated to publish routine, standardised data on their outcomes, according to the
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Four in ten readers expect cuts

Four out of ten NHS IT staff are expecting their budgets to decrease next year, and a further 36% expect
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EMIS Web v2 on show next week

Primary care system supplier EMIS has announced that it will preview version 2 of its next generation system EMIS Web
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Mobile Solutions Village on show

One of the highlights of the E-Health Insider Live ’09 exhibition will be the O2 and BlackBerry Mobile Solutions Village.
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Lorenzo R1.9 to debut at EHI event

ISoft will be publicly showcasing the latest version of Lorenzo at E-Health Insider Live '09, alongside its Viaduct integration engine
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Quality street

Richard Hamblin reflects on Mid Staffordshire and the future of data analysis.
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Vet centre

Dr Adam Darkins explains to Neil Versel why telehealth is key to the future of the Veterans Health Administration.
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