
Legal view: sending data abroad

Andrew Rankin and Chris Air of DAC Beachcroft discuss a recent European Court decision that has important implications for patient
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EC aims for digital records by 2015

As part of the European Commissionā€™s Digital Agenda for Europe the Commission aims to provide patients secure access to digital
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EC puts health on Digital Agenda

The European Commission has set out its Digital Agenda, which includes measures to use technology to address rising healthcare costs
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Europe ‘has no mobile health policy’

Jaakko Aarnio, a project officer in the European Commission’s Information Society and Media directorate, offered an eye-opening revelation about the
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Bulgaria rapped on social care spectrum

The European Commission has started legal action against Bulgaria after the country failed to follow EU rules to make the
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Over to EU

Mike Palmer talks to Lyn Whitfield about the role of ā€˜Europeā€™ in promoting e-health.
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Commission says e-health is on track

The European Commission has published an update on its lead market initiative for e-health, reporting that it is too early
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Dutch set out European ā€˜robo roadmapā€™

Dutch innovation agency, TNO, has published a ā€˜robo roadmapā€™ on the way forward for robotics in the medical and health
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MHRA launches drug info debate

The UK’s medicines regulatory body has launched a consultation on the European Commission’s plans to change the rules on the
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DigiTV receives EC funding for telecare

A digital TV initiative for public services run by Kirklees Council has won European Commission funding to develop interactive health
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