EHI Live 2010


Connelly: NHS must look beyond NPfIT

The Department of Healthā€™s director general for informatics says that it is time to think beyond the national programme, or
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Call for clarity on PACS contracts

Radiologists and PACS managers have called for greater clarity about the future of local service provider PACS contracts, which come
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Standard debate

The need for standards to underpin interoperability was one of the big themes of EHI Live 2010. Daloni Carlisle reports.
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Connelly: NHS IT to ‘evolve’

The Department of Health will take a ā€œpragmatic approachā€ to the procurement of IT systems big and small, Christine Connelly
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N3 ‘stifling innovation’

The N3 network is stifling innovation, preventing sharing of information and addressing fundamentally the wrong security question, a question time
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First Oasis Sandwell sale to NHS trust

Dudley and Walsall Mental Health Partnership Trust has become the first to sign a contract for an electronic patient record
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WSD sites enrol just one patient in ten

A senior adviser on telehealth has told eHealth Insider Live 2010 that the whole system demonstrator sites have been able
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iSoft promises new UK products

ISoft has pledged to invest in the development of new products for NHS customers, separate to its Lorenzo development commitments.
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Sweden to go-live with online records

Sweden will provide patients with online access to their electronic medical records before the end of the year, the deputy
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Dictate IT offers free digital dictation

Dictate IT is offering to foot the bill for providing digital dictation technology at any NHS trust, in what it
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