EHI Primary Care


Choice? What choice?

Over a year since the announcement of GP system choice, many practices still only have one package to choose from.
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N3 connections needed say community pharmacists

Lack of access to smartcards and the N3 network by community pharmacists is jeopardising the roll out of the electronic
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Choose and Book ‘will be a year late’

The flagship Choose and Book electronic booking application will be at least a year late by the time it is
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Loophole could force release of deceased’s records

A loophole in the Data Protection Act means GPs could be forced to disclose the records of deceased patients, GP
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Every PCT to miss Choose and Book target

The Department of Health (DH) has admitted that not a single primary care trust in England is likely to be
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Consultation highlights concerns over NCRS ownership

Concerns over who will own the summary record on the spine and how the summary data will be validated are
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Paper records only opt-out available to patients

The government’s policy allowing patients to opt out of the NHS Care Records Service is based on the decision that
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Emergency care summary set to rollout in Scotland

A project which allows out-of-hours services access to an emergency care summary of patients’ GP records is likely to be
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No single opt-out on medical records database

Patients will be unable to make a single request for their records not to be held on the NHS Care
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MPs told ETP plans may jeopardise patient choice

Pharmacist representatives have told MPs that plans to allow GPs and other prescribers to nominate a patient’s pharmacy for electronic
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