Electronic prescription service


Electronic prescription service to include controlled medication

More than 90% of GP practices and pharmacies are already live with the EPS, but until now controlled drugs like
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Delayed phase four EPS pilot to begin this year

Eight GP practices will trial the latest stage of NHS Digitalā€™s electronic prescription service programme before the end of 2018.
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Dedalus named latest supplier for Scotland ePMA framework

The Ā£15m framework covers 14 regional health boards and two national hospitals, including the State Psychiatric and the Golden Jubilee.
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Kent CCG goes live with mobile-based prescription ordering app

Healthera will replace the traditional method of ordering through a pharmacy or GP within NHS Dartford Gravesham and Swanley CCG
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London docs get on board with electronic prescribing

All 1,311 GP surgeries in the capital can now use the electronic prescription service (EPS) to send prescriptions to pharmacists.
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Electronic Prescription Service to be pushed out nationally across urgent care

Use of the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) is being rolled out nationally across urgent care settings following a successful pilot.
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Electronic prescribing service piloted in urgent care in London

A pilot use of the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) in selected integrated urgent care settings has been launched, NHS Digital
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Echo gets Ā£7m funding boost for mobile prescription management app

Prescription management service Echo has secured Ā£7 million in funding as it looks to expand collaboration with healthcare providers.
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Ewan Davis: EPS ā€“ is it my fault?

Ewan reflects wonders why he keeps running out of his repeat medication, ponders the hapless state of the so called
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Another view: of EPS and GP frustrations with ordering drugs online

Neil Paul wonders if the move to open up primary care systems to third parties could lead to better prescription
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