Financial crisis


Atos denies that financial issues could have ā€˜severeā€™ effects on NHS

French IT giant Atos has denied reports that it is facing financial issues that could severely impact the NHS and
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FCI on the brink of closing down

The Faculty of Clinical Informatics (FCI) has told its members that it will likely have to be closed down due
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FCI founding fellow warns clinical informatics body faces insolvency

The Faculty of Clinical informatics have been warned that it must take steps to address its financial crisis and may
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Ewan Davis: time to be brave, minister

Ewan Davis has been using a holiday to India to reflect on the state of healthcare IT; and he reckons
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Joeā€™s view: of emailing patients

The NHS must be the last organisation on the planet that doesnā€™t want your email address. Time that changed, argues
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Power to the people on the sharing economy

From car sharing to sharing care ā€“ Paul Hodgkin asks: "What does the 'sharing economy' mean for health?"
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King’s Fund warns crisis “inevitable”

A financial crisis in the NHS is ā€œinevitableā€ by 2015-16 or even sooner, the Kingā€™s Fund has warned in a
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Burnham: publish staff satisfaction data

Health secretary Andy Burnham has announced plans to publish data on staff satisfaction across the NHS. In his first major
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Arctic blast

A think-tank recently ranked its funding forecasts for the NHS from ā€˜tepidā€™ to ā€˜arctic.ā€™ Sarah Bruce asks what that will
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Labour’s Oā€™Brien: NHS safe in our hands

Junior health minister Mike Oā€™Brien has claimed that the NHS is ā€œsafe in our handsā€ and that the government will
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