general data protection regulation


When is your data anonymous?

In a joint piece for Digital Health, Paul Affleck and GP Dr Imran Khan, explore the recent and GPDPR
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National data opt-out programme comes into force

The national data opt-out programme has been launched, with a view to allowing people to choose how their health data
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GDPR and the NHS Digital Academy: Digital Health’s predictions for 2018

Digital Health News looks ahead to what is coming up in 2018 including the launch of the NHS Digital Academy
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GDPR: Which NHS trusts are ready for 25 May 2018?

New data from Digital Health Intelligence reveals 55% of acute trusts 47% of mental health trustsĀ have an implementation plan prepared
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PCS Speaker profile: Peter Brown on mordernising data protection laws

Peter Brown, a senior technology officer at the Information Commissionerā€™s Office (ICO), will be speaking about data protection principles in
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PCS Speaker profile: Gabriel Voisin on the impact of GDPR

New data protection laws, which will be enforced in May 2018, will be a hot topic at the first Public
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New service to untangle data in NHS trusts

NHS trusts and healthcare organisations now have access to a service for consolidating their data in readiness for General Data
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