
Calls for single database of consultants reignited after Ian Paterson inquiry

The Ian Paterson inquiry accused the NHS and private healthcare sector of ā€œwilful blindnessā€ and concluded more responsibility for safety
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MPS pokes GMC for social media guidance

The Medical Protection Society wants a new section on the use of social media incorporated into official ethical guidance issued
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GP prescribing ‘could be improved by IT’

Better use of computer systems in general practice could reduce errors in GP prescribing, which are currently found in one
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Docs rapped for social media abuse

A US study suggests that medical boards are starting to get tough on doctors who act unprofessionally on social networking
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Doctors criticise appraisal data and IT

Doctors say NHS trusts are unable to provide them with enough data on their performance to carry out appraisals and
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NHS needs better trained prescribers

Doctors are to be formally tested on their knowledge of medicines before they graduate, it has been announced. The British
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One in 10 prescriptions have errors

One in 10 written hospital prescriptions contain mistakes, most are minor and spotted but some are potentially lethal. In many cases
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GMC issues confidentiality guidance

Fresh guidance on confidentiality has been published by the General Medical Council, with advice on topics including sharing confidential genetic
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GPs warned on honesty of claims

GP practices have been warned to take care when making claims under the Quality and Outcomes Framework given the current row over
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GMC rejects calls for inquiry into MTAS

The General Medical Council has rejected calls for it to investigate the IT and selection procedures for Modernising Medical Careers.
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