GP commissioning consortia


NHS reform to cost Ā£1.2 billion

Health secretary Andrew Lansley put the cost of the latest reorganisation of the NHS at Ā£1.2 billion over three years
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HR framework limits commissioning scope

Money tied up in NHS reorganisation may leave GP commissioning consortia with little leaway to employ outside agencies, according to
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Cameron: reform means competition

Prime minister David Cameron has underlined his governmentā€™s determination to introduce more competition to the health service in a speech
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GPs rebel against BMA stance on reforms

More than 110 GPs have signed an open letter in the British Medical Journal criticising the leadership of the BMA
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Operating Framework tightens cash again

The Operating Framework for the NHS in England 2011-12 focuses on keeping control of finances as the latest round of
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Connelly outlines NHS info ā€˜revolution’

The NHS' director general of informatics, Christine Connelly, has outlined an information revolution to match the root and branch reform
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Connelly to lead information revolution

The Department of Health's director general for informatics is to lead the government's information revolution, according to a letter setting
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Answers and questions

E-Health Insider rounds up reaction to Simon Burns' ministerial statement on the future - or otherwise - of the National
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Expert view: Guy Beaudin

The public sector business development director of Insight on the end of the Microsoft NHS Enterprise-wide Agreement.
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PCT ends United Health contract early

NHS Northamptonshire has ended its contract for commissioning services with UnitedHealth UK a year early, the primary care trust has
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