GP commissioning


X-prize to tackle hospital admissions

A $3m x-prize competition has been launched by the US Heritage Provider Network to develop a ā€˜breakthroughā€™ algorithm that can
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Call for local QoF frameworks

Failure to set up local versions of the Quality and Outcomes Framework could lead to missed opportunities to improve quality
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Around 350 GP consortia likely

The number of GP commissioning consortia that will be formed as primary care trusts are scrapped is likely to be
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BMJ Group buys GP software company

The BMJ Group has entered the primary care software market with the acquisition of Informatica Systems Ltd.
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MPs given estimate of PCT job losses

Between 30 and 40% of the staff who are currently employed in primary care trusts could find a role supporting
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Lansley: no reprieve for PCTs

Health secretary Andrew Lansley has said there will be no reprieve for primary care trusts and strategic health authorities following
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Connelly outlines NHS info ā€˜revolution’

The NHS' director general of informatics, Christine Connelly, has outlined an information revolution to match the root and branch reform
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RCGP sees change in commissioning market

The Royal College of GPs has cast doubt on the ability of GPs to manage commissioning budgets, and predicted they
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Birmingham OwnHealth in hands of GPs

GPs will decide whether the first telephone-based care management service in the UK should continue.
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Answers and questions

E-Health Insider rounds up reaction to Simon Burns' ministerial statement on the future - or otherwise - of the National
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