

Encryption standards for medical devices ‘need to be mandatory’

Pangea Connectedā€™s system developer, Dr Arslan Usman, said IoT medical devices need to be better regulated to boost cyber security
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NHSmail registers 11 million blocked attacks in three years

According to the information released by NHS Digital, the NHSmail system blocked a total of 11.35m email attacks between since
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Genomics England says DNA data not moved due to hacking attempts

Responding to reports that genetics data belonging to some 85,000 individuals had been moved to a secure Ministry of Defence
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Cyber security news round up

Our latest cyber security round up looks at hacked patient monitoring systems and FBI fears of an imminent "cash out"
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Orangeworm: Hospitals worldwide warned of ‘aggressive’ malware

Security researchers have identified a hacking group that has been targeting medical equipment in hospitals across the globe, including the
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Patient death from hacked medical devices plausible, says top Kaspersky security researcher

A leading cyber security analyst at Kaspersky Lab has warned there is a viable danger of hacked medical devices resulting
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Cybersecurity news round-up

The cybersecurity for health IT round-up covers the security risk of "brainjacking" and need for firmware updates for a company's
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Davey Winder: older does not mean wiser

Healthcare IT devices and software are expected to work hard for a long time. From a security point of view,
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Fancy Bears hackers use plain old phishing to steal health records

The World Anti-Doping Agency has been hacked. Whatā€™s that to do with healthcare IT? Well, it was health records that
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US insurer Anthem suffers hack attack

As many as 80 million customers of US health insurer, Anthem, have had their personal information stolen in a hacking
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