Health 2.0


Think-tank calls for self-service NHS

A think tank has called for people to be given the option to register with the NHS nationally rather than
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Digital health experts meet on Twitter

Europeā€™s experts on the use of online engagement in healthcare are using microblogging site, Twitter, to set out a framework
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NHS Direct plans to make Ā£20m savings

NHS Direct has announced that it plans to cut its costs by £20m in the next financial year by improving
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NHS Direct developing online assessments

NHS Direct is working with a consortium of leading IT and health specialist organisations to introduce a new suite of
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Want to quit? There’s an app for that

The Department of Health has launched an iPhone application to help people stop smoking. The application was launched today by
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Health 2.0 comes to Europe

The first European Health 2.0 conference, on how web 2.0 and social media are transforming healthcare systems in Europe, will
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EHE Interview: Jeremy Bonfini

The vice president of HIMSS talks to Sarah Bruce about eHealth week 2010.
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Continua demos in Las Vegas

The Continua Health Alliance has announced its first end-to-end connected health solution, based on Continua architecture standards. The Alliance, which
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Swedish hospitals lead on social media

A ground-breaking study into how European hospitals are making use of Web 2.0 social media tools, such as Facebook, YouTube
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Quiz of the Year

How did you do in our holiday quiz?
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