
Converge around the person, not the technology

The debate on EPR convergence needs to acknowledge the inescapable variety of the health and care landscape and put people
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HL7 FHIR: everything you need to know

The interoperability standard HL7 format has evolved over the years which has led to the FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources)
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Alder Hey opts for Meditech’s ‘next-gen’ Expanse cloud EPR

The move to Expanse is an effort by global digital exemplar trust Alder Hey to elevate it to HIMSS Stage
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‘Late and incomplete’ definitions from NHS stifling interoperability

David Hancock said interoperability is ā€œnowhere nearā€ where it needed to be, highlighting "late and incomplete" standards definitions from the
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InterSystems makes FHIR tools free to NHS customers

InterSystems is making its HL7 FHIR integration components free to NHS customers through its Health Connect integration platform.
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Oxford University Hospitals FT ignites FHIR APIs from Cerner

Cerner's Ignite APIs for Millennium will allow the trust to integrate third-party applications with its Millenium electronic patient record system.
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Report suggests US health IT approaching FHIR tipping point

An analysis of health IT data in the US suggests that the country is approaching a 'turning point' in the
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FHIR spreads to Bristol as Connecting Care embraces open standard

Bristol City Council is using a Care Connect FHIR API to link its substance abuse management system with the city's
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Leaders discuss interoperability pain points at Digital Health Leadership Summit

Technical leaders from across the healthcare sector gathered to discuss how the NHS might begin to untangle interoperability challenges at
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Calling the FHIR brigade

Philip Scott, chair of HL7 UK, discusses the evolution of the HL7 FHIR standard, some projects in which it is
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