
One in three donā€™t collect anti-virals

More than one in three people have failed to collect their anti-viral medicine after being issued with an authorisation number
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Information prescriptions to be linked to electronic records

The Department of Health is this week expected to set out its vision for information prescriptions that are linked to
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University students to train on Cerner

The University of the West of England has agreed a partnership with Cerner to use its Academic Education Solution to
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DrThom makes the pill available online

Women can now purchase the contraceptive pill using the online medical service, DrThom without having to go to a doctor.
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Oracle to host ESR e-learning workshops

Oracle has announced it is to hold a series of free workshops on its Oracle Learning Management product, which is
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DH publishes Cornish 60-year health history

The Department of Health has published a new study looking at the health history of a class of Cornish school
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New GP leads aim to connect

Dr Peter Short, one of two new GP clinical leads just appointed by Connecting for Health, is clear about how
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Microsoft gets serious about health

Dr Bill Crounse, MD, Microsoftā€™s senior worldwide director of health, tells E-Health Insiderā€™s Jon Hoeksma, that health is Microsoftā€™s fastest
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After the security storm

Data security experts believe the recent HMRC recent data disaster holds vital lessons for the health service, EHI editor Linda
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DrThom launch ‘male health’ service online

Men suffering from erectile dysfunction can now seek advice and receive prescriptions from an online treatment service, staffed by clinicians
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