Information Commissioner


Data Sharing Review has messages for the NHS

Patients who consent to a course of treatment should be presumed to have given “implied consent” to having their data
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NHS Lothian declares ‘data amnesty’

A Scottish health board has declared a data amnesty after a community health worker lost a USB stick containing personal
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NHS manager suspended after losing laptop

A senior hospital manager has been suspended after a laptop computer containing the unencrypted records of over 20,000 patients was
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FOI appeal on summary records legal status

A GP campaigning against the consent model for the Summary Care Record has taken his battle to the Information Commissioner’s
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Tough new laws on data breaches

MPs have passed legislation giving the Information Commissioner the power to impose substantial fines on organisations that deliberately or recklessly
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NHS chief execs may be accountable for data loss

The Information Commissioner has backed proposals by cabinet secretary, Sir Gus O’Donnell to hold senior Whitehall figures and NHS chief executives
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Over 10 NHS security breaches in last 6 months

The NHS has reported more than ten data security breaches to the Information Commissioner in the six months since the
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Patient Tsar backs tougher data theft laws

The chair of the Department of Health’s National Information Governance Board, and influential patient representative, Harry Cayton, has joined the
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Committee backs data protection checks

The parliamentary joint committee on human rights has backed proposals to allow the Information Commissioner to check government IT projects
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MPs call for data loss to be a crime

Reckless or repeated breaches of data security should become a criminal offence, the House of Commons Justice Select Committee has
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