

Two-thirds of GPs against sharing their medical records

A survey of GPs by Pulse magazine has found that only a third plan to advise patients to allow their
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Free online archive of medical research papers launched

Over 500,000 medical research papers are now available for free on the internet, following the launch of the UK PubMed
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Computers – the greatest medical breakthrough?

Computers have been shortlisted in a British Medical Journal poll to determine the greatest medical breakthrough since 1840. They are one
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Survey shows waning medical support for NPfIT

A picture of declining support among doctors for the National Programme for IT emerges from the latest Medix survey of
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UK practices best for IT to track medical errors

GPs in the UK are well ahead of colleagues around the world in having information systems which track medical errors,
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Unison condemns offshore medical transcription

NHS trusts that outsource the transcription of medical notes to South Africa, the Philippines and India received a sharp rebuke
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Historic medical journal articles to be available free

PubMed Central is to make over three million pages of historical medical journals available for free online, including significant milestones
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Online medical journal access for NHS Wales

Informing Healthcare, the Welsh healthcare IT programme, has announced that it is making another 90 online peer-reviewed journals available through
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Harvard medical students learn with their iPods

Harvard Medical School have started offering podcasts of their lectures to their students, allowing them to learn while on the
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iBase medical image software under new management

New media company Waba Logic has announced the acquisition of the iBase Image System Medical Image Manager, which is in
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