
Massive disparities in GP IT spend

Expenditure on GP IT varies enormously nationwide from between just 50p per head of population in Wiltshire to nearly Ā£10
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Care.data IG reconsidered

A new information governance assessment of the massive care.data GP extract is being presented to an Independent Advisory Group meeting
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Customer platform ‘a state of mind’

The ā€˜customer service platformā€™ being created by the NHS Commissioning Board will encourage the health service to think differently about
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NHS Direct cuts hit admin staff

NHS Direct is slashing its back-office costs in half and expects to make more than 300 whole time equivalent staff
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NHS CB gets patient ‘insight’ via app

An ā€˜Insight Dashboardā€™ displaying patient experience data is being developed for use by the NHS Commissioning Board from April.
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Patient coding with a twist

Patients will be taught how to code and make apps as part of a patient empowerment programme being run by
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CCGs get Ā£186m for IT

Clinical commissioning groups will get Ā£186m a year to spend on GP IT.
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Ricketts to open EHI commissioning event

Bob Ricketts, the NHS Commissioning Boardā€™s director of commissioning support strategy and market development, will open EHIā€™s latest conference, Information
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Trusts could lose contracts without EPR

The NHS Commissioning Board is drawing up plans designed to dramatically accelerate the adoption of electronic patient records by NHS
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Keogh extends ‘outlier’ inquiry

The NHS Commissioning Board has announced that it is widening its inquiry into hospitals with apparently worrying mortality rates.
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