

Tees and NE Yorkshire postpones PAS project

Tees and North East Yorkshire NHS Trust has postponed implementation of an iSoft iPM Patient Administration System (PAS). The mental
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Norfolk and Norwich shelves iSoft PAS

Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Trust have shelved the implementation of a new Patient Administration System from iSoft, provided
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Award for time-saving medical images system

An online system that has reduced the time taken to make clinical images available to consultants from four weeks to about
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James Paget gets outsider PACS

James Paget Healthcare NHS Trust in Norfolk has become the first hospital trust in England to go live with an
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Online tool to promote NHS infection awareness

An online training tool to help all NHS staff understand infection control and make hospitals cleaner has been launched by
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Electronic mental health record system goes live in Wirral

Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Trust has just implemented an electronic patient record system from local company Strand Technology. The
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Norfolk hospital gets electronic cancer care system

A hospital in East Anglia has installed an electronic cancer management system in its oncology department, which is designed to bring greater
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Patient Communication Systems Launched

Bedside entertainment and communications systems for hospital patients have been officially launched at Kingston Hospitals NHS Trust. The wall-mounted patient
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Addenbrooke’s To Develop Web-based Cancer System

Addenbrooke’s Hospital is to build a Web-based clinical cancer information system for use within the trust over NHSnet and by
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