
NHS Number limitations confirmed

The National Patient Safety Agency has confirmed that community pharmacists, community nurses and other groups of NHS workers will be
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Reported drug errors increase, says NPSA

The incidence of reported drug errors leading to avoidable deaths and patient harm is on the increase, according to a
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NHS Number exemptions expected

Community pharmacists and other groups of NHS workers will be made exempt from the national requirement to use the NHS
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NPSA: unsure if wristband target met

The National Patient Safety Agency has said a technical problem means it is unable to establish whether its target to make sure that all
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Bristol wristbands use GS1 coding

NHS trust improves patient safety by adopting national coding standards for its new printed wristbands.
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Mandatory incident reporting considered

The House of Commons Health Committee is looking at whether the national reporting of patient safety incidents should be made
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Report shows flaws in safety reporting

Trusts are failing to report patient safety incidents and to review their policies in response to known problems, a report
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Trust incident reports published

The National Patient Safety Agency has started to publish patient safety incident reports from every NHS trust and local health
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NPSA Never Events policy welcomed

A company making IT systems to prevent wrong-site surgery has welcomed the launch of a national patient safety policy focusing
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CfH says patient safety work has progressed

Connecting for Health has worked hard to ensure its clinical software design meets patient safety requirements after a review conducted
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