

Four digital programmes recommended by NICE for weight management

NICE has recommended four digital programmes as safe, effective and cost-efficient ways of managing complex obesity cases.
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Government launches food scanner app to promote healthier choices

The government has launched a new food scanner app to encourage families to swap some of their food choices for
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New Ā£12m online platform launched to manage obesity-related illness

The NHS Digital Weight Management Programme will provide free online for people with obesity-related illnesses such as diabetes or high
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Mobile health and apps news in brief

May's mobile health and apps round up features an app that helpsĀ stroke patients get quicker access to the right care
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Mobile health and apps news in brief

February's mobile health and apps roundup features a collection of apps from Public Health England, including one designed to tackle
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Heart health tool reveals obesity on the rise in the UK

The World Heart Federationā€™s heart health tool reveals that although high blood pressure rates have decreased in the UK, obesity
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Standard weight loss methods better than wearables – study

Fitness devices may not offer an advantage over traditional diet and exercise plans for losing weight, according to a long
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The biggest winners – obesity challenge

A tool that compares obesity rates nationwide was among the winners of a UK/US competition to creatively use open data
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US and UK work on obesity ‘disruptors’

NHS England has been working with the US Department of Health and Human Services on using data to tackle obesity,
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