Operating Framework


50,000 job losses identified across NHS

More than 50,000 NHS staff posts are due to be cut across the UK, according to a union-backed campaign against
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NHS to collect data on record access

Primary care trusts have been told to collect information on how many GP practices are enabling patients to access their
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NHS faces ‘defining year’

The NHS is facing a ā€˜defining yearā€™ in which it may need to make even bigger efficiency savings than so-far
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Pick of EHI 2010

One of EHIā€™s big themes in 2009 was the impending financial crunch on the NHS. Yet the real impact of
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SUS boosted by Operating Framework

The NHS has been told that it should be using the Secondary Uses Service as the ā€œstandard repositoryā€ for health
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Operating Framework tightens cash again

The Operating Framework for the NHS in England 2011-12 focuses on keeping control of finances as the latest round of
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PCTs told to merge to prepare for change

The government has set out its plans for pushing ahead with a massive shake-up of the NHS in England.
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NHS ordered to halve management costs

Health secretary Andrew Lansley has scrapped some key NHS performance targets and told the health service it must save at
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NHS to be using NHSmail by 2013

The head of the NHSmail programme has said that he wants ā€œmostā€ NHS organisations to have migrated to NHSmail by
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NHS ‘faces pivotal year’ – Nicholson

NHS chief executive David Nicholson has said that the coming year will be pivotal for the NHS as it faces
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