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Mind The Gap ā€“ How to Effectively Bridge the Divide Between Paper and Digital

The National Health Service is on a journey to embrace digital health, which is key to its strategy as it
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Leading the charge on digital at Homerton University Hospital

Kathy Adams, senior sister within the ED and digital transformation lead for outpatients at Homerton, shares her thoughts on what's
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Improving NHS Community Nursing with Mobile Technology ā€“ Recommendations for Success

Based on Bittiumā€™s real world experience, this white paper outlines some key technical considerations that are crucial to the success
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The difference digital has made to some of the most complex patients in Cheshire and Wirral

NHS Continuing Healthcare ā€“ a complex package of care funded solely by the NHS ā€“ is vital for many people
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North of England rip up paper referrals ahead of October deadline

A total of 47 acute hospital trusts and 2,479 GP practices have now switched, almost five weeks ahead of the
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Trust moves towards paperless immunisation process

Using software developed by NDL, Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust, are hoping to create online consent forms in
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Intouch with Health and DrDoctor partner for digital outpatient solution

Intouch with Health and DrDoctor have partnered up to deliver a completely digital outpatient management solution to support hospital staff
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CircleBath paper free with System C

Bathā€™s newly opened CircleBath Hospital has gone live with System Cā€™s Medway Promixa patient administration system and Alertā€™s touch-screen electronic
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EHIā€™s industry round up 30.11.2009

This month’s E-Health Insider industry round-up covers news about system deployments, company partnerships, product launches and other developments in healthcare
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Common Scottish EHR in three years, report advises

Scotland should aim to have its own electronic health record system within three years, a report into the future development
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