

Health Secretary announces digital initiatives for NHS productivity

Secretary of State Victoria Atkins has renewed promises to digitise every hospital and extend use of the NHS app to
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Spring Budget includes Ā£3.4billion extra investment in NHS digitisation

The Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has announced Ā£3.4 billion of new investment in NHS digitisation in the Spring Budget.
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BT roundtable: standards, incentives key to improved digital performanceĀ 

Coordination, consistency and an improved incentive structure are needed for digital transformation of the health service, a BT-sponsored roundtable heard.
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Majority of NHS staff see tech investments as priority – BT survey

74% of NHS staff see future investments in digital technology as a priority, according to the results of a BT
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NHS signs new Microsoft deal worth three-quarters of a billion pounds

NHS England has announced a new Ā£774m licensing deal for Microsoft productivity apps and products including Office365 and Teams for
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Milton Keynes University Hospital to pilot smart hospital solution

Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is to pilot a smart hospital solution which aims toĀ improve productivity and efficiency.
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Technology is the answer to the healthcare productivity challenge

As healthcare spending rises, Jonathan Pearson, UK head of healthcare at PA Consulting, looks at why technology could help improve
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Carter: NHS to adopt ‘meaningful use’

NHS Improvement should create ā€˜meaningful useā€™ standards for clinical IT systems and use incentives to drive better adoption of technology,
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Swindells: ā€˜fight on’ for informaticians

The chair of BCS Healthcare, Matthew Swindells, has told a conference in Glasgow that the challenge for NHS informaticians ā€œhas
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Funding forecast is colder than ever

The NHS would have to make historically unprecedented productivity gains to close the gap between its likely funding after 2011
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