
PSNC launches PharmaBase

The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) has launched a web based platform to help simplify record-keeping, claim payment from primary
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Pharmacists given tight IG deadlines

Community pharmacists in England have been given until the end of March to assess their compliance with NHS Connecting for
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NHS Number exemptions expected

Community pharmacists and other groups of NHS workers will be made exempt from the national requirement to use the NHS
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IT vital to pharmacy progress

Use of the NHS Care Records Service by community pharmacists will be an essential part of the reform agenda for
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Caution urged on EPS release two contracts

Community pharmacists have been warned to take care when signing contracts for systems to support release two of the Electronic
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One in ten EPS pharmacies scanning all barcodes

Only 11% of pharmacies enabled for the Electronic Prescription Service are scanning every barcode prescription with problems including slow download
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Six month delay to stage two of electronic prescriptions

Release two of the Electronic Prescription Service will not go live until spring or summer this year, at least six
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Pharmacists urged to check NHS Choices data

Pharmacy representatives have advised pharmacists to check that information about their pharmacies on the NHS Choices website is correct or
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Pharmacists reject prescription printing plan

Community pharmacists claim they may still have to print out more than a quarter of prescription tokens when release two
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EPS underspend due to slower rollout

Funding to pay pharmacists for using the electronic prescriptions service was underspent by more than 50% in the last financial
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