
QRisk2 in TPP “fixed” but up to 270,000 patients affected

Up to 270,000 patients have been affected by errors in a cardiovascular disease risk calculator, which is being blamed on
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MHRA issues alert over QRisk2 calculator in TPP

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has launched an investigation into the QRisk2 calculator used by some GPs using
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QRISK lifetime risk tool developed

The creators of the QRISK tool for identifying patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease have developed a new ā€œlifetime
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QRISK2 goes open source

The heart disease risk assessment tool QRisk2 has been made available as open source software by Nottingham University and healthcare
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QRISK2 gets more support

The heart disease risk score QRISK2 is more accurate at identifying people in the UK at high risk of cardiovascular
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QRISK benefits from NICE decision

Demand for QRISK software has increased following The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence’s decision to drop its backing
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Fracture risk tool built using QResearch

A score to predict the risk of patients suffering fractures due to osteoporosis has been developed using the QResearch database.
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Research backs QRISK

The QRISK formula for identifying patients most at risk of developing cardiovascular disease should replace the Framingham risk score in
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CardioPod launched at NHS Camden

The CardioPod installed in a pharmacy Assistive technology company Telehealth Solutions has launched a touch-screen CardioPod which it says will
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Diabetes predictor based on QResearch

A simple new score that could help to identify those at most risk of developing type 2 diabetes has been
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