Rewired 2023


Pangaea Data awarded strategic partnership with M-RIC

M-RIC has teamed up with Pangaea Data, with the latter providing its AI tool to help characterise mental health patients
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Speakers raise doubts about FDP Palantir bid in Rewired Big DebateĀ 

NHS Englandā€™s Federated Data Platform tender could set back data sharing in the NHS by raising privacy fears over approach
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Real value of digital maturity assessment lies in “starting conversationsā€

NHS Englandā€™s new digital maturity assessment questionnaire can support valuable discussions about local priorities, someone involved in the pilot has
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Resist ā€˜shiny thingsā€™ and ensure digital transformation delivers real benefits

Enthusiasm for digital change must be focused on outcomes and things that matter to patients, urged Scotland, Wales and Northern
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Largest EPR implementation programme in UK already reporting benefits

Medication administration incidents have significantly reduced following the go live of an EPR at the largest trust in the UK,
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NHS’ supply chain security 15-20 years behind other sectors says Huggins

Following the 2022 Advanced cyber attack, Phil Huggins has revealed that the NHS supply chain's "state of security is 15
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NHS shouldnā€™t use tech risks fear to avoid embracing innovation – Ferris

The health service needs to ensure that fear of the risks of technological innovation donā€™t slow the pace of change,
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UK has unique opportunity to share data and improve populationā€™s health

Innovative data sharing between the NHS and high street pharmacy could deliver a leap forward in disease prevention and management
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AI regulatory framework and workforce training key priorities says Cushnan

A clearer regulatory framework and better health workforce training will help speed use of AI in the health system, the
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Streamlining patient pathway should be integration goal says TPP CEO

Policymakers should be spending more time improving patient pathways rather than focusing on convergence, TPP CEO Frank Hester said.Ā 
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