Royal College of Physicians


Hancock: NHS needs to ‘double down’ on tech advances after Covid-19

Speaking about the future of healthcare Matt Hancock told the audience better technology was needed for better healthcare.
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Just 1 in 10 outpatient appointments conducted via video, RCP survey finds

The Royal College of Physicians found a low uptake in digital solutions in outpatient appointments, despite 70% of GPs agreeing
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Royal College of Physicians recruiting for digital healthcare lead

The professional body is looking for iindividual who has experience of implementing new technologies or evaluating digital healthcare solutions.
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NHS England medical director calls for trusts and CCGs to embrace Skype

Stephen Powis is calling for the NHS to use technology to help the outpatient system and says now is the
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Digital Health partners with RCPā€™s Health Informatics Unit

Digital Health has partnered up with the Health Informatics Unit of the Royal College of Physicians to support the promotion
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NHS England approves updated NEWS early warning score

NHS England will adopt the updated National Early Warning Score (NEWS) to improve the outcomes of critically ill patients, including
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E-discharge standards to GPs ‘poor’

Central NHS organisations are rebooting attempts to improve communication between emergency departments and GPs, with the ā€˜perpetual winterā€™ crisis now
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Tom’s digital health disruptors: mental health apps

In the second of his new columns, Digital Health News reporter Thomas Meek asks why mental health has seen as
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Joeā€™s view: of records standards

On a visit to Rome, Joe McDonald realises that god-like authority can command compliance with standards. Unfortunately, the Professional Records
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Standards for EPRs launched

A new set of standards for the content and structure of electronic patient records has been launched at the Royal
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