

NAO report concludes screening programmes ‘rely on complex IT’

Responding to the publication of the National Audit Office report, Meg Hillier ā€“Ā chair of the Public Accounts Committee ā€“Ā said it
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Newborn screening tech covers England

An IT system to keep track of newborn babies screened for serious genetic conditions has expanded to cover the entirety
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Another view

GP columnist Neil Paul is still not convinced about predictive risk modelling; but would like to know if some mass,
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Liverpool speeds up results reporting

Liverpool Community Health NHS Trust has launched an electronic mailbox system to speed up the delivery of neonatal screening results
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Welsh software used for NI screening

Northern Ireland is using software developed in Wales to extend its bowel cancer screening programme.
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West Dorset improves Down programme

The Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has rolled-out a maternity solution from GE Healthcare to provide a vigorous Down Syndrome
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Digital Healthcare texts reduce DNAs

Digital Healthcare, a supplier of software to UK Diabetic Retinal Screening Services, has developed a module that uses text messages
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Dorset invests in Carestream PACS

Carestream Health has been awarded a contract to supply a Carestream PACS, high resolution diagnostic mammography workstations and integrated radiology information
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Quality street

Richard Hamblin reflects on Mid Staffordshire and the future of data analysis.
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Vet centre

Dr Adam Darkins explains to Neil Versel why telehealth is key to the future of the Veterans Health Administration.
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